Where do people Rent Property in Queensland

Where do people Rent Property in Queensland

Where do people Rent Houses and Units in Queensland

Out of the 539,696 renters in Queensland at March 2016, the largest number were renting in Brisbane, followed, at some distance, by the Gold Coast.

The breakdown of renters by area is:

Total   REGION Flat/Unit House Townhouse Other
  539,696 Queensland       190,704       287,400     54,110        7,482
  259,045 48.0% Brisbane        88,342       134,383     32,106        4,214
    76,382 14.2% Gold Coast        34,777        27,156     13,449           999
    35,907 6.7% Sunshine Coast        13,007        19,376       2,944           579
    31,132 5.8% Far North        14,570        14,950       1,315           296
    27,745 5.1% Wide Bay-Burnett          6,914        19,728         831           272
    26,486 4.9% Northern          9,666        15,990         651           179
    25,371 4.7% Darling Downs          7,943        16,620         601           208
    23,781 4.4% Fitzroy          6,122        16,454         982           224
    19,843 3.7% Mackay          6,190        12,435       1,012           206
     7,518 1.4% West Moreton          1,011          6,182         141           184
     3,458 0.6% North West          1,458          1,864           66             70
     2,111 0.4% South West             439          1,624             9             39
        917 0.2% Central West             265             639             2             11
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