Australian Trade Licensing Information
Changes to the Legislation – QUEENSLAND
From 1 December 2009, there was a change to building licensing regulations in Queensland. Most work valued at $3,300 or less is now exempt from BSA’s licensing requirements. The previous threshold was $1,100.
Skills Assessment
Before you can migrate to Australia as a skilled migrant you must have your skills assessed by the relevant National Assessment Authority.
The Skills Assessment Authority for people with United Kingdom residence is:
Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services (VETASSESS)
GPO Box 2752 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Telephone: 61 3 9655 4801 Fax: 61 3 9654 3385
There are three assessment phases to go through:
- a free self-assessment tool for potential applicants to gauge their suitability for the assessment process.
- a paper based pre-assessment that would take into account qualifications and work experience in the relevant trade.
- a technical interview and in-country practical assessment.
It may then be necessary to obtain a licence or registration from the relevant government licensing authority.
Your skills may be recognised under the Tradesmen s Rights Regulation Act 1946 (TRR Act), whether you have learnt through other formal training or on-the-job experience in Australia or overseas.
If your skills are recognised, you can be issued with an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate (ARTC) which is accepted throughout Australia.
Application Form For Australian Recognised Trade Certificate:
The Licensing of Building and Allied Workers in Australia
To work in certain trades in Australia you must register and/or have a license from the relevant State or Territory registration and licensing authority. Licenses are issued in various grades which define the work you can do.
The following page links will try to put together as much Information as possible:
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) This site, will help you find out how to get an assessment of occupational qualifications, skills or experience that you have gained overseas.
You can also find state-specific licensing and registration requirements to practice your occupation in Australia.
Does a Carpenter need a Licence in Australia?
An example of the information obtained from the above website is:
Occupation: Carpenter
Job Description:
Constructs, erects, installs, renovates and repairs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials.
New South Wales
- Licensing is compulsory for unsupervised residential trade work. Licensing is not required for commercial or residential trade work.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter in Victoria.
- A licence is required when an individual or company wants to carry out, undertake to carry out or supervise building work valued over $3,300 (including labour and materials) in Queensland.
South Australia
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter in South Australia.
Western Australia
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter in Western Australia.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter in Tasmania.
Northern Territory
- Registration is compulsory in order to carry out residential building work over the value of $12,000.
Australian Capital Territory
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter in the ACT.
Carpenter and Joiner
Job Description:
Constructs and installs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, or wallboard and cuts, shapes and fits timber parts to form structures and fittings.
New South Wales
- Licensing is compulsory for unsupervised residential trade work. Licensing is not required for commercial or residential trade work.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter and Joiner in Victoria if work is performed on behalf of a licensed practitioner or work does not exceed $5000.
- A licence is required when an individual or company wants to carry out, undertake to carry out or supervise building work valued over $3,300 (including labour and materials) in Queensland.
South Australia
- Licensing is required for electrical work.
Western Australia
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter and Joiner in Western Australia.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter and Joiner in Tasmania if work is performed on behalf of a licensed practitioner, or work does not exceed $5000.
Northern Territory
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter and Joiner in the Northern Territory if work is performed on behalf of a licensed practitioner, or work does not exceed the value of $12,000.
Australian Capital Territory
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for the occupation of Carpenter and Joiner in the ACT if work is performed on behalf of a licensed practitioner, or work does not exceed $5000.
Carpentry and Joinery Tradespersons – Supervisor
Job Description:
Supervises and coordinates the activities of carpentry and joinery tradespersons.
New South Wales
- Licensing is compulsory for unsupervised residential trade work. Licensing not required for commercial or residential trade work.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for this occupation in Victoria.
- A licence is required when an individual or company wants to carry out, undertake to carry out or supervise building work valued over $3,300(including labour and materials) in Queensland.
South Australia
- Licensing is required for electrical work.
Western Australia
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for this occupation in Western Australia.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for this occupation in Tasmania.
Northern Territory
- Registration is compulsory in order to carry out residential building work over the value of $12,000.
Australian Capital Territory
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for this occupation in the ACT.
If you are licensed in one State and move to another, the following applies:
Mutual Recognition
By agreement between Australian states, territories and the Commonwealth, people registered to work in an occupation in one jurisdiction are entitled to have their registration (in the form of a licence, permit, etc) recognised by another jurisdiction. This system of mutual recognition has operated since 1992.
Q: I don’t require a licence to work in my home state/territory, but I would if I moved interstate. What do I do to obtain a licence in the second jurisdiction?
A: You will need to apply under normal licence application procedures to the appropriate authority in the jurisdiction in which you wish to work. Mutual recognition does not apply in your circumstances.
Mutual recognition for occupational licences in Australia 2007 Update
From February 2007, new arrangements have been put in place making it easier for licensed tradespeople, and authorities that issue licences, to know what licence a worker is entitled to when applying for a licence in another jurisdiction. The new arrangements cover licences issued to:
- auto-gas installers
- carpenters and joiners, bricklayers, and builders
- electrical contractors
- electrical fitters, line workers, and cable jointers
- electricians
- motor vehicle repairers
- plumbers and gas-fitters
- refrigeration and air-conditioning mechanics
- restricted electrical licence holders
Construction Safety Cards
If you are going to work on ANY construction site you will also need to obtain a Construction General Induction Competency certificate, also known, in QLD, as a “Construction Blue Card”. This is a legal requirement and affects Builders, Bricklayers, Electricians etc.
Principal Contractors are NOT allowed to employ anyone on site if they do not hold such a blue card. Workers can also be fined if found working without them.
This link may give you an idea about it:
Other States may have differences, and links will be placed here as I locate them.
Recognition of Interstate Construction Safety Cards
The following construction cards are now recognised in Queensland and vice versa:
- Victorian Foundation for Safety Construction Industry Induction Training Agreement (red card)
- The new Work Safe Victoria construction induction cards
- New South Wales WorkCover Construction Induction Certificate for the Construction Industry
- South Australian white card, and
- Western Australian construction safety awareness training (CSAT) card.
Persons with these cards are not required to undertake the general safety induction training for construction work in Queensland. Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Northern Territory do not currently have a regulatory requirement for construction induction training.
Source: Mutual recognition of interstate induction cards
Electrical Trades
- see link >> Electrical Trades
After a bit of delving into this, I have a feeling that the following is common here: You get your trade assessed, in the UK, by the TRA who basically confirm that you can be an Australian bricklayer (employed), and earn the basic wage as an employee. However, when you arrive in Australia, you find that contractors earn more than employed workers, etc, and to fit into that category, you then find that you have to go through a lot of extra exams (including a 3 day management course), and cost in getting the required builders licence, to be able to work under that title. I suggest checking this out FULLY, if this is relevant to you. I have heard that it can take 4-6 months, and cost about $2,500 to get a full licence. I am not 100% on this, but suggest looking into it further.
General Building Licences in Queensland
For QLD licence requirements, have a look at:…/WhenisaLicenceRequired.aspx The page quotes:
When is a licence required?
A licence is required when an individual or company wants to carry out, undertake to carry out or supervise building work valued over $3,300 (including labour and materials) in Queensland.
A licence is required regardless of the value for work involving:
- Drainage
- Plumbing and Drainage
- Gas Fitting
- Termite Management – Chemical
- Fire Protection
- Completed Residential Building Inspection
- Building Design – Low Rise, Medium Rise and Open
- Site Classification
A BSA licence is not required by:
- A person who is a subcontractor (subtrade contractor) working for a licensed contractor – as long as the licensed contractor holds the correct licence for the type of work being undertaken.
- A person holding an owner builder permit carrying out building work allowable under the permit.
- An unlicensed person working in partnership with a licensee – as long as the licensed contractor hold the correct licence for the work being undertaken.
- An employee of a licensee – as long as the employee is not personally supervising building work.
For more information on QLD licence requirements, have a look at:….
For information on overseas applicants for QLD licence requirements, have a look at:…/OverseasApplicants.aspx
Painters and Decorators
Some examples of Licensing requirements for Painter & Decorators in the different States here:…/painter-and-decorator-4421-11.htm
New South Wales
- Licensing is compulsory for unsupervised residential trade work. Licensing is not required for commercial or residential trade work.
- There is no legal requirement for licensing or registration for this occupation in Victoria.
- A licence is required when an individual or company wants to carry out, undertake to carry out or supervise building work valued over $3,300 (including labour and materials) in Queensland.
Plumbing in WA
Plumbing in Queensland
An idea of the requirements of the Course in Plumbing Licensing can be found at:
– Course in Plumbing Licensing (39206QLD)
Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003
The Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003 ( PDF 350 Kb) sets the competencies and experience required to get a plumbers and drainers licence, a restricted licence or an endorsement on a licence, and sets the fees payable for licensing matters Amendments to the Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003 and the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003( PDF 313 kB)
Addresses of Plumbing, Draining and Gas fitting Registration and Licensing Authorities in Australia
New South Wales
- Manager Licensing, Department of Fair Trading, Level 21 227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000. 13 32 20
- Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers Registration Board, 450 Burke Road, Camberwell Vic 3124. (03) 9889 2211/
- Plumbers and Drainers Examination and Licensing Board, 12th Floor, 111 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. (07) 3235 4149
Western Australia Water, Sanitary, Drainage and Plumbing only
- Plumbers Licensing, Water Corporation, 629 Newcastle Street, Leederville WA 6007. (08) 9420 2662
*Gasfitting only: Gas Regulation Officer, State Energy Commission of WA, Office of Energy, 20 Southport Street, Leederville WA 6007. (08) 9422 5297
South Australia
- Plumbing and Gasfitting Secretariat, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, Business and Occupational Services, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000. (08) 8204 9660
- Plumbers and Gasfitters Registration Board, Level 6, T.G.I.O. Building, 144-148 Macquarie Street, Hobart Tas 7001. (03) 6233 7001
Northern Territory
- Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, Department of Lands Planning and Environment, 1st Floor, Darwin Plaza Buildings, The Mall, Darwin NT 0800. (08) 8924 4036
*Gas fitting only: Work Health Authority, 66 Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800. (08) 8999 5141
Australian Capital Territory
- Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers Registration Board, Building, Electrical and Plumbing Control, 16 Challis Street, Dickson ACT 2601. (02) 6207 6309
Useful TRA documents
- PDF File Child Care Co-ordinator Fact Sheet and FAQs
- PDF File TRA Pre-migration Application Pack
- PDF File ARTC Application Pack
- PDF File Uniform Assessment Criteria
- PDF File Migration Assessment Policy
- PDF File Criteria Manual – for assessment of ARTCs
- Trades Assessed by TRA for Australian Recognised Trade Certificates
You may have a problem if you use the common 110v British site tools.
All Australian sites use the full 240v power.
A few Brits have brought a transformer with them, but end up using Australian tools.
You could keep yours for home use with a transformer though.
You may be eligible for recognition, in one or more of the trades listed below, if you have completed acceptable formal training in countries other than Australia.
List of trades scheduled under the TRR Act that can be applied for:
- Armature winder
- Automotive electrician
- Blacksmith
- Body maker, first class
- Boilermaker
- Boilermaker and structural steel tradesperson
- Coppersmith
- Electrical Fitter
- Electrical Fitter (instruments)
- Electrical mechanic
- Electroplater, first class
- First class machinist
- First class machinist (boring)
- First class machinist (drilling)
- First class machinist (grinding)
- First class machinist (milling)
- First class welder (blacksmithing)
- First class welder (engineering)
- First class welder (sheetmetal)
- Fitter
- Fitter (diesel)
- Fitter (instruments)
- Fitter and first class machinist
- Fitter and turner
- Forger
- Ground engineer (airframe)
- Ground engineer (airframe and engines)
- Ground engineer (electrical)
- Ground engineer (engines)
- Ground engineer (instruments)
- Ground engineer (radio)
- Locksmith
- Machine setter
- Mechanic (marine and other engines 200cc & above)
- Motor cycle mechanic
- Motor mechanic
- Panel beater
- Pattern maker
- Refrigeration mechanic
- Scientific instrument maker
- Sheet metal worker, first class
- Structural steel tradesperson
- Telecommunications mechanic
- Tradesperson heat treater
- Tradesperson (radio)
- Tradesperson (radio and television)
- Tradesperson (television)
- Turner
- Welder, first class (boilermaking)
Trade Training Providers
- Master Builders QLD Training Programs
- Peer Tec – South Australia Trade-based training – offered for Electrical, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Telecommunication, Security Systems Installers, Plumbing and Sprinkler Fitting
What do I need to get a motor mechanic trades license for NSW,I have been in the trade in U.K. For over 26 years
Can anyone tell me if you can operate as a drainer in queensland without a licence if you do not work with sewerage or grey water ?
Yes Adam, you need to be a plumber to work in Queensland as a drainer or just about any trade. Builders, locksmiths, electricians all need trade certificate and license to work here.