Queensland State Elections

2009 Queensland State Election

First Female Australian State Premier elected

Following the Queensland State election on Saturday 21st March 2009, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has won another term in office, although with a smaller majority.

On a two-party preferred basis, the result appears to be:

    51.3% ALP Australian Labor Party
    48.7% LNP Liberal National Party

This win, with Anna Bligh as the leader of the ALP, is the first time that a Female Premier has been elected in any Australian State parliament.

Anna Blighs personal election results, from her own Electorate at South Brisbane, can be seen at: Virtual Tally Room – Anna Bligh. After 68% of the votes had been counted, she had received 48.58% of that total or 9,676 votes.

2009 Queensland State Election Results
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