Population Density of Australia

Australia covers a very large area: 7,617,930 square kilometre, but with a small population of only about 22 million, as at 2010.

This gives us a Population Density for Australia of only about 2.8 people per square kilometre.

The Population Density for each of the Australian StatesĀ is as follows:

    Pop per sq K State
    154.00 Australian Capital Territory
    23.87 Victoria
    8.87 New South Wales
    7.35 Tasmania
    2.55 Queensland
    1.65 South Australia
    0.17 Northern Territory
    0.88 West Australia
    395.00 England
    65.90 Scotland

The Population Density for each of the Australian Capital Cities is as follows:

    Pop per sq K City
    2,058 Sydney
    1,566 Melbourne
    1,295 Adelaide
    926 Darwin
    918 Brisbane
    895 Hobart
    429 Canberra
    310 Perth
    4,761 London
    4,776 Edinburgh
    3,739 Birmingham
    1,320 Medway Towns, Kent
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cant you guys inclued the intire density

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