Median Property Prices

Median Property Prices

A comparison of median property prices between the United Kingdom, and the extremes of Two Capital Cities of Australia.

During  the six years between 2003 and 2009 Darwin has had the greatest property value rises, whilst Sydney has had the lowest.  In comparison, in the UK, Northern Ireland had the greatest rise, with East Midlands of England having the lowest rise.

Australia has a larger differential though, with the increases varying between 1.5% and 128.6%, compared to the UK’s 13.13% to 70.55%.

Period UK average Sydney Darwin
Q3 2003 £157,953 $480,000 $214,000
Q4 2003 £161,166 $520,000 $226,000
Q3 2009 £197,277 $500,000 $490,000
Q4 2009 £199,626 $514,796 $516,047
Increase 24.4% 1.5% 128.6%

The increases shown on this page, show the total increase over a SIX year period, and is calculated from the average of the two quarters shown for 2003 and 2009.
These original figures were from:

A UK median price breakdown by area is:

Period UK England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
2003 Q3 £157,953 £168,254 £106,842 £95,441 £102,928
2003 Q4 £161,166 £171,280 £112,603 £100,127 £103,822
2009 Q3 £197,277 £203,134 £148,583 £161,390 £178,110
2009 Q4 £199,626 £205,841 £149,971 £161,363 £174,508
6 year Change 24.37% 20.45% 36.05% 65.03% 70.55%
Period North East Yorks & Humber West Midlands London
South West
2003 Q3 £98,066 £109,573 £135,745 £243,509 £171,661
2003 Q4 £102,712 £115,285 £139,467 £243,924 £173,694
2009 Q3 £134,302 £149,065 £161,817 £307,731 £203,898
2009 Q4 £137,398 £151,147 £162,239 £314,543 £205,208
6 year Change 35.32% 33.51% 17.75% 27.66% 18.46%
Period North West East Midlands East South East
UK excl London
2003 Q3 £112,024 £134,068 £181,375 £214,055 £145,317
2003 Q4 £117,346 £138,996 £183,691 £215,669 £148,944
2009 Q3 £149,056 £154,052 £210,923 £245,381 £181,004
2009 Q4 £150,201 £154,856 £213,567 £249,018 £182,695
6 year Change 30.47% 13.13% 16.28% 15.05% 23.60%
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