Gender Equality in Australia

How is Gender Equality working in Australia ?
2015 Median starting salary – Bachelor Degree graduates (2015)
$55,000 Males
$53,000 Females

How is Gender Equality working in Australia ?

Almost everyone says that women are not yet equal to men, but is it getting close?

Some say it is no difference, but others says it is getting closer.  I assume it must depend on each persons individual situation.

Some Facts on Gender Differences in Australia

Australian Public Service:

Women held 41 per cent of senior executive roles in the APS in 2015.
Women held just under 48 per cent of executive level roles in the APS in 2015.

Australian Parliament:

30.5 per cent of federal parliamentarians were women. 38% in the Senate and 27% in the House of Representatives. (January 2016, )

Home Ownership:

28.1% of women own their own home without a mortgage (2013-14)
25.0% of men own their own home without a mortgage (2013-14)

Average Earnings (Full Time) in Australia

Males $87,807 Annual November 2015
Females $69,981 Annual November 2015

2015 Median starting salary – Bachelor Degree graduates (2015)

$55,000 Males
$53,000 Females

4125.0 – Gender Indicators, Australia, Feb 2016

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