Electricity Providers and Supply in Australia

Electricity Supply in Australia

Electricity comparison UK and Australia

Electricity supply in the UK

Normal Household Electricity is: 240 volts, 50 Hz, 13 amps max.

The normal electricity system frequency in the UK is 50Hz.

The National Grid has statutory obligations to maintain the frequency within +/- 0.5Hz around this level.

In the UK, the average voltage supplied from the national grid is 242V.
PDF doc – http://www.ogc.gov.uk

Electricity supply in Australia

Normal Household Electricity is: 240 volts, 50 Hz, 10 amps max.
The normal mains voltage in Australia is 240 volts, but this can vary between 216 and 254 volts depending on time and load conditions in the distribution system.

The normal maximum current capacity is 10 Amps, but 15 and 20 Amp plug and socket combinations are available, when used with appropriately rated sub-circuits.

The operating frequency is 50 Hertz

Cost of Electricity in Australia

Different suppliers in each State may have different rates for the Electricity that they charge

As a guide, one of the main suppliers in Queensland is currently (March 2009) charging 16.291 cents per kWh for Peak usage and 9.779 cents per kWh for Off Peak usage. There is also a quarterly standing charge of almost $19

In every Electricity account, in QUEENSLAND ONLY, there is also a “Community Ambulance Cover” charge. This is a government fee, to cover the Ambulance service cost, but charge via the Electricity Accounts, to try to ensure that all households pay one charge.

Our average Off Peak Electricity usage is about 1150 kWh per quarter, but that covers Hot Water supply and the swimming pool pump.

Our Peak usage varies between Summer and Winter, but appears to average about 2,100 kWh per quarter.

Example Costs

Some examples of the annual electricity usage cost of appliances: (based on my own figures)

  • $279 Fridge Freezer in Kitchen.
  • $187 Fridge in Garage.
  • $100 Living room media set up used 6hrs per day, and 18hrs on standby. TV, PVR, DVD.
  • $100 Computer and printer, turned on for 8 hrs per day.
  • $ 2 Bedroom TV on Standby.

Electricity Providers in QLD

Electricity Providers in WA – Western Australia

Electricity Ombudsman Service

The Price Increases of Electricity in Australia

Comparing electricity bills for each of the years from 2004 to 2009, I came up with an overall increase of 28.3% in the costs of my electricity, assuming I had used the same kWh’s each month. The average wage in the same period has risen by 27.1%

This results in a real increase of 1.2% over the last 5 years.
The following are the average kWh units costs after standing charges are included, and are based on the 12 months supply ending in the month shown.

  • $0.1167 May-2004
  • $0.1181 May-2005
  • $0.1235 May-2006
  • $0.1255 May-2007
  • $0.1406 May-2008
  • $0.1497 May-2009

The 2010 figures will show an increase, above the normal rate.
Although we haven’t reached the May quarter yet, my bill for the Feb Qtr seems to show the latest increase, with averaged costs up to 17.31 cents per Kwh.

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