Looking at prices of External Hard Drives today, and listing some Australian prices at www.abcdiamond.com/australia, I decided to compare the same item in the UK.
Western Digital Elements 1TB External Hard Drive – Model: WDE1UBK10000
- UK Price: £64.99 from Dell inc VAT.
- Aus Price: $149.00 from a few High Street retailers, inc GST.
When compared against the average wages of each country, they end up being very similar in cost, with the cost as a percentage of wages being:
- UK: 13.6% of the weekly wage
- Aus: 12.6% of the weekly wage
Comparisons based on these wage figures:
The median weekly pay for full-time employees in the UK April 2008 was £479 – www.statistics.gov.uk
Australian Average Income = $1,178.40 pw May 2008 – www.abs.gov.au
Note: There is a difference between average wage and median wage, but until I can locate exactly the same method for each country, this will have to suffice.