Commonwealth Assistance Options for Australian Universities
Australian universities are self‑accrediting institutions, and are responsible for determining the curriculum and content for the courses they offer.
Most domestic students undertaking a bachelor degree at a public university are enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and pay ‘student contributions’ rather than tuition fees.
Private universities mainly offer fee paying places and must be approved by the Australian Government to offer Commonwealth supported places in ‘national priority’ areas.
To access Commonwealth assistance (either a Commonwealth supported place or a HELP loan), students must be enrolled with an eligible Australian education provider.
Eligible providers are categorised as universities, approved private higher education providers, Open Universities Australia (OUA) or an approved Vocational Education and Training (VET) provider.
List of higher education providers:…/universities-and-other-higher-education-providers
List of approved VET providers:…/approved-vet-providers