Education in Sydney and New South Wales, Australia
State schools in NSW are often referred to as Public Schools
Starting School in New South Wales
Children may enter Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year in NSW government schools,…
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Education in Sydney and New South Wales, Australia
State schools in NSW are often referred to as Public Schools
Starting School in New South Wales
Children may enter Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year in NSW government schools,…
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The cost of Education in Australia
Public Education Costs in Australia
In Australia the Government provides a FREE State operated education system, and they also subsidise a very large Private Education system.
In 2003, about 32% of all School Children…
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Education in Queensland, Australia
The school year in Queensland
The School year normally starts in the last week of January, and ends in December.
2011 Queensland School terms
Term 1: 24 Jan – 15 Apr
Term 2: 27 Apr –…
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The cost of Education in Australia
Public (State School) Education Costs in Australia
In Australia the Government provides a FREE State operated education system, and they also subsidise a very large Private Education system.
In 2003, about 32% of all…
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State Government Education Websites
Australian Capital Territory
Education and Community Services
Education Queensland
TAFE Queensland (Technical & Further Education)
University of Queensland
Queensland University of Technology
QLD Studies Authority – Year 11 & 12 Overview
New South…
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Starting School
Each Australian State has a different system to decide when a child starts school, although there are national discussions taking place to try to get a common system for everyone.
More details on this can be found in…
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Gifted and Talented Children
Various links are shown here for Organisation and Government Departments relating to the Education of Gifted Children in Australia
NT –
SA –
VIC –…
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Australian National Education Curriculum
12th February 2010
The draft K-10 Australian Curriculum in English, mathematics, science and history is now being finalised for uploading to the Australian Curriculum Consultation Portal.
In the week of 22 February 2010 this consultation website…
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Home Education in Australia
All parents in Australia have the right to choose Home Education as an alternative to regular schooling, although registration for this purpose, before doing so, is normally required by the state education body.
Home Education is…
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School Holidays in Australia
Each of the Australian States set their own school terms and holiday dates, and they are often at slightly different times in the different States.
An example of this is the 2008/2009 Summer Holiday starts on…
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Annual Fees for Children of subclass 573 Visa Holders.
A$ per year at 2009 (Please check for current rates)
South Australia
$ 3,600 Â Â Â Primary (Years 1-7)
$ 4,500 Â Â Â High School (Years 8 -12)
New South Wales
$ 4,500 Â Â Â Primary (Years…
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The academic year in most Australian states consists of two Semesters, with two Terms in each Semester.
Each of the four school Terms is approximately ten weeks in duration, with a holiday period at the conclusion of each Term.
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Starting School in Tasmania
All children who are at least 5 years of age as at 1 January in any year must be enrolled in a school or be provided with home education until the end of the year in…
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The Programme for International Student Assessment PISA results for 2009 were released at:
PISA has conducted International comparisons in 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009, and a selection of the latest results are shown below.
PISA 2009 results in the…
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The Education Tax Refund (ETR) is available for families who are able to claim Family Tax Benefit part A, or a few other benefits, enabling them to claim part of the education related costs of their children.
The basic rule…
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I have often read that Australia spends less per child on Education than the UK, and today I was looking at some statistics on this from the OECD.
This showed that the UK spent $17,114 per child, and Australia spent…
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Home Education is legal in every state of Australia, although the regulations and laws governing the home education provisions vary between states.
Australian Capital Territory
In the ACT, parents have the right to choose a suitable educational environment that will…
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Annual rankings of World Universities have been produced by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) from 2004.
These were produced in partnership with Times Higher Education (THE), until 2009, but are now produced independently with THE now producing in association with another partner.…
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The Times Higher Education (THE) has been publishing its annual rankings of World Universities for seven years. This 2010-11 year is the first to be using the rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters.
Results from the Times Higher Education 2010 world…
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School holiday dates for Queensland state schools
Term 1: Friday 2 April – Sunday 11 April
Term 2: Saturday 26 June – Sunday 11 July
Term 3: Saturday 18 September – Sunday 3 October
Term 4: Saturday 11 December…
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