Australian Students: Domestic or International

Permanent Residents University Costs Before 2018

Permanent Residents are eligible for Commonwealth supported places [CSP], but are not eligible for HECS HELP loans

Permanent Residents University Costs After 2018

Permanent Residents are no longer eligible for Commonwealth supported places, but are now eligible for Loans to pay for the education cost.

Australian Students: Domestic or International

You’re a domestic student if you are:

a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or
an Australian permanent resident, or
a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

Domestic Students Pay Domestic Fees for University

You’re an international student if you are:

intending to study on a student visa, or
not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or
not an Australian permanent resident, or
a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia.

International Students Pay International Fees for University

Permanent Residents University Costs Before 2018

Permanent Residents are eligible for Commonwealth supported places [CSP], but are not eligible for HECS HELP loans

Permanent Residents University Costs After 2018

Permanent Residents are no longer eligible for Commonwealth supported places, but will be eligible for Loans to pay for the education cost.
These loans are repaid visa the tax system once the recipient is working and earning over $42,000 (from July 2018), with a repayment rate ranging from 1% to 10%, based on taxable income.

Australian Citizens University Costs

Australian Citizens are able to get Commonwealth supported places (where available) or the Full Fee Paying Domestic course, and get the HECS HELP/FEE HELP loans, on either option.

Commonwealth supported places for Domestic Students

The Australian Government subsidises a CSP by paying part of the fees (54%) for the place directly to the university. The subsidy amount is not a loan and students do not have to pay the subsidy amount back. However, students are also required to contribute towards their study and they pay the remainder of the fee known as the ‘student contribution amount’ for each unit they are enrolled in.

Only some universities offer CSPs at the postgraduate level as most of these courses are offered as fee paying (meaning they aren’t subsidised)

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Being eligible for a CSP does not guarantee that a student will be offered a CSP in the course of their choice or at their chosen university. Applications are assessed by universities/Tertiary Admission Centers and offers are based on merit as students must also meet the relevant course entry requirements. The relevant university/Tertiary Admission Centre will notify students in writing to advise them if they have been offered a CSP in their course.




Examples of Course Fees 2017

ACC1101 Accounting for Decision-Making

$1,324 – 2017 Student Contribution Rates (CSP)
$2,270 – 2017 Domestic Tuition Fees
$2,690 – 2017 International Tuition Fees

DBA9400 Doctor of Business Administration Thesis C

$5,296 – 2017 Student Contribution Rates (CSP)
$9,840 – 2017 Domestic Tuition Fees
$11,920 – 2017 International Tuition Fees

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