Daylight Saving – Australia – UK- USA

Daylight Saving in Australia

Daylight Saving and Time Zones in Australia

For those States that observe Daylight Savings:

  • Daylight saving in Australia begins at 2am Eastern Standard Time on the first Sunday every October.
  • Daylight saving in Australia ends at 2am Eastern Standard Time (3am summer time) on the first Sunday every April.

Daylight savings will begin on 3rd October 2010 and will end on 3rd April 2011

Daylight savings will begin on 2nd October 2011 and will end on 1st April 2012

We have various time zones in Australia, and not every State has a daylight saving system.

Daylight Saving dates have for a long time been the same as British Daylight saving, but this is now changing for most Australian States.

Daylight Saving Referendum in Western Australia

The referendum held on Saturday 16th May, 2009, and ending at 6pm local time, appears to be defeated, as at 8pm WA time.

Even the Metropolitan vote for NO has increased from 47.08% in 1992 up to 50.28%. That in itself is a resounding NO vote, from an area that would be expected to be in favour of Daylight saving, if any area was.

The City of Perth itself had 65.84% in Favour of Daylight Saving, an increase from 50.71% in 1992. But with an electorate of only 24,292 this does not carry much real weight,

The highest YES vote in 2009 is, so far, in Ocean Reef with 62.33% in Favour

The highest NO vote in 2009 is, so far, in Wagin with 86.14% Against

2009 Western Australia Daylight Saving Referendum Result as at 9:48pm May 16th 2009 WA time

71.43% of total State Electorate counted

  • 426,531 For Daylight saving = 44.51%
  • 531,786 Against Daylight Saving = 55.49%

and the Perth Region Figures, seperated from the above total:

  • 357,057 For Daylight saving = 49.72%
  • 361,134 Against Daylight Saving = 50.28%

Compared to the 1992 – Perth Region Figures

  • 332,691 For Daylight saving = 52.92%
  • 295,971 Against Daylight Saving = 47.08%

An interesting figure has arisen from this Referendum

  • 1,341,554 Total Electors in WA in 2009
  • 999,135 Total Electors in WA in 1992

An increase in the number of electors of 34.30% in 17 years.

Referendum History results appear to be:

  • 2009 Daylight Saving Referendum Result looks like 55.49% No (The highest No vote Ever)
  • 1992 Daylight Saving Referendum Result was 53.14% No
  • 1984 Daylight Saving Referendum Result was 54.35% No

1975 Daylight Saving Referendum Result was 53.66% No

2009/2010 Australian Daylight Savings dates
  • Daylight savings in ACT will begin on 4th October 2009 and will end on 4th April 2010
  • Daylight savings in NSW will begin on 4th October 2009 and will end on 4th April 2010
  • Northern Territory does not have Daylight savings
  • Queensland does not have Daylight savings
  • Daylight savings in SA will begin on 4th October 2009 and will end on 4th April 2010
  • Daylight savings in TAS will begin on 4th October 2009 and will end on 4th April 2010
  • Daylight savings in VIC will begin on 4th October 2009 and will end on 4th April 2010
  • WA does not have Daylight savings
  • British Summer Time ends on 25th October 2009 and recommences on 28th March 2010
  • Daylight saving in mainland USA ends on 1st November 2009 and recommences on 14th March 2010.
2008/2009 Australian Daylight Savings dates
  • Daylight savings in ACT will begin on 5th October 2008 and will end on 5th April 2009
  • Daylight savings in NSW will begin on 5th October 2008 and will end on 5th April 2009
  • Northern Territory does not have Daylight savings
  • Queensland does not have Daylight savings
  • Daylight savings in SA will begin on 5th October 2008 and will end on 5th April 2009
  • Daylight savings in TAS will begin on 5th October 2008 and will end on 5th April 2009
  • Daylight savings in VIC will begin on 5th October 2008 and will end on 5th April 2009
  • Daylight savings in WA will begin on 26th October 2008 and will end on 29th March 2009
  • British Summer Time ends on 26 October 2008 and recommences on 29 March 2009
  • Daylight saving in mainland USA ends on 2 November 2008 and recommences on 8 March 2009.
The History of Daylight savings in Australia

NSW, Victoria, South Australia and the ACT adopted daylight saving time in 1971.

Queensland adopted daylight saving in 1971, but abandoned it in 1972, introduced it again in 1989 but abandoned it following a referendum in 1992. The referendum results being 45.5% for it, but 54.5% against.

Western Australia adopted daylight saving in 1974, but abandoned it following a referendum in 1975.  It then reintroduced it in 1983-84 only to abandon it again following a referendum during 1984.

A further referendum in 1992 stopped it being introduced again.

The WA referendum results being:

  • 1975 46.34% for it, but 53.66% against,
  • 1984 45.65% for it, but 54.35% against,
  • 1992 46.86% for it, but 53.14% against.

Another Trial of Daylight savings, in Western Australia, began in 2006 and finished on 29th March 2009, and another referendum will be held on Saturday 16th May, 2009, to see if it becomes permanent or not.

Time Zones in Australia

During the winter months Australia has three time zones.

These are called Eastern Standard Time (EST), Central Standard Time (CST) and Western Standard Time (WST)

  • EST is 10 hours ahead of UT (previously known as GMT).In winter it applies to NSW (except in Broken Hill which is on CST), Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania and the ACT.

    Lord Howe Island is administratively part of NSW but has standard time ten hours 30 minutes ahead of UT.

  • CST is 9 hours 30 minutes ahead of UT, and it applies throughout South Australia, the Northern Territory and Broken Hill in NSW.
  • WST is 8 hours ahead of UT and applies throughout Western Australia
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