Obesity and Overweight

Overweight and  Obesity Statistics:


The 2007-08 Australian National Health Survey

United Kingdom

The 2008 Health Survey for England (HSE) data shows that:

Overweight (a body mass index of 25-30 kg/m2)

The above reports show:

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England: 41% of adult males and 32% of adult females were classified as overweight

Australia: 42.1% of adult males and 30.9% of adult females were classified as overweight

Obese (a body mass index of more than 30 kg/m2 ).

The above reports show:

England: 24.5% of adults, men and women were equally, (aged 16 or over) and 13.9% of children(aged 2-10) in England were obese.

Australia: 25.6% of males and 24% of females were classified as obese

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