2009 Legatum Prosperity Index

A few excerpts from the The 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index Table Rankings, that apply to the UK and Australia.

Full details for many aspects and over 100 countries at the link at the bottom of the page.

Education: – an accessible, high-quality educational system that fosters human development

  • 6th Australia
  • 21st United Kingdom

Economic Fundamentals: – a growing, sound economy that provides opportunities for wealth creation

  • 7th Australia
  • 13th United Kingdom

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: – an environment friendly to new enterprises and the commercialisation of new ideas

  • 15th Australia
  • 2nd United Kingdom

Democratic Institutions: – transparent and accountable governing institutions that promote economic growth

  • 5th Australia
  • 11th United Kingdom

Health: – the physical wellbeing of the populace

  • 21st Australia
  • 23rd United Kingdom

Safety and Security: – a safe environment in which people can pursue opportunity

  • 14th Australia
  • 22nd United Kingdom

Governance: – an honest and effective government that preserves order and encourages productive citizenship

  • 10th Australia
  • 13th United Kingdom

Personal Freedom: – the degree to which individuals can choose the course of their lives

  • 4th Australia
  • 19th United Kingdom

Social Capital: – trustworthiness in relationships and strong communities

  • 4th Australia
  • 11th United Kingdom


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