887 Skilled Regional Residence visa

Skilled – Regional (Residence) visa (subclass 887)

Main applicant eligibility

You must have met all the conditions of your provisional visa and you must also meet all of the requirements in the table below.

You need to meet the following Basic eligibility Requirements:

  1. Eligible visa
  2. Residence in a specified regional area
  3. Work in a specified regional area
  4. Location
  5. Health
  6. Character
  7. Australian Values Statement


1: Eligible visa

To meet this eligibility requirement you must hold one of the following visas:

  • Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495)
  • Skilled – Designated Area – Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 496)
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 475)
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 487)
  • Bridging visa A or Bridging visa B granted because you have made a valid application for a subclass 495 or subclass 487 visa

You must also have held one of the following visas for at least two (2) years as either the primary visa holder or partner of the primary visa holder:

  • Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495)
  • Skilled – Designated Area – Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 496)
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 475)
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 487)

2: Residence in a Specified Regional Area

You must have lived for at least two years in a Specified Regional Area before lodging your visa application.
See: Specified regional areas

Specified Regional Areas

If you apply for a Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa, you and any secondary applicants included in your application must agree to live and work or study in a Specified Regional Area in Australia.

The definition of Specified Regional Area depends on whether you are being sponsored by an eligible relative or nominated by a state or territory government.

Eligible relative sponsorship

If you are being sponsored by an eligible relative, your sponsor must be usually a resident in a designated area of Australia at the time of the sponsorship. You must also agree to live in a designated area of Australia.

See: Designated areas of Australia

Designated Areas of Australia

If you are applying for a Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa, and you are being sponsored by an eligible relative, your sponsor must be usually a resident in one of the following designated areas:
eg: Queensland Postcode areas:
4019-4028, 4037-4050, 4079-4100, 4114, 4118, 4124-4150, 4158-4168, 4180-4899 (anywhere except Brisbane metropolitan area)

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